Unified Data, Unified Insights: Using Entity Resolution To Overcome Data Duplication Challenges

Unified Data, Unified Insights: Entity Resolution

Success Story: UK Law Firm, 3 month project

Client Challenge: Overcoming Data Duplication

Our client struggled to create a single view of their customers. Years of acquisitions, mergers, adoption of new CRM and marketing tools, and a lack of data quality controls led to significant levels of customer duplication. This duplication caused numerous problems in client engagement and created poor customer experiences.

Customers received duplicate marketing materials, were unable to access all their products in a single profile, and received irrelevant marketing due to behaviors and preferences not being tracked centrally. These challenges resulted in poor customer experiences and operational inefficiencies, impacting the company’s reputation, revenue, and profits.

Our Approach: Achieving a Trusted Single Customer View

We deployed an entity-centric entity resolution solution to enable our build of a Single Customer View, identifying all related client records and connections. This data was fed into a process to merge customer profiles back into source systems, preserving the most trusted data through survivorship rules. This resulted in the achievement of several objectives previously agreed upon with the client:

Our solution resulted in a 400% increase in identification of duplicate client and counterparty data compared to the incumbent data management tool.

What we Achieved: Numbers